Timing |
Day 1 - July 31
8:00 am SGT | AM Beverage Service |
8:30 am | Program Kick off Introduction Marketing Strategy Dr. Judy Hopelain |
10:00 am | Break |
10:30 am | Marketing Strategy Dr. Judy Hopelain |
12:00 pm | Campus Tour and Lunch |
1:30 am | Negotiating Win-Win Agreements Dr. Holly Schroth |
3:00 pm | Break |
3:30 pm | Negotiating Win-Win Agreements Dr. Holly Schroth |
5:00 pm | Adjourn |
Timing |
Day 2 - August 1
8:00 am SGT | AM Beverage Service |
8:30 am | The UC Berkeley Innovation System Dr. Kurt Beyer |
10:00 am | Break |
10:30 am | The Secrets of Silicon Valley Eco-System Dr. Kurt Beyer |
12:00 pm | Group Photo and Lunch |
1:30 am | Lead Change and Drive Innovation Dr. Saikat Chaudhuri |
3:00 pm | Break |
3:30 pm |
Lead Change and Drive Innovation
Dr. Saikat Chaudhuri Presentation of Certificates
5:00 pm | Adjourn |